Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

“The World’s Greatest Mystery”

February 11, 2012
“The World’s Greatest Mystery”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita
          Isn’t life wonderful? To define such people who are capable to give their souls to someone who is special to them. As we open our eyes to see the world of heart’s February is the month of giving happiness to others and allowing yourself to be with someone who gives you happiness and contentment. Each day we play the rule of what we think is best for us, we tried hard enough to express our thoughts and to fight what we think is right. Sharing of who you are to someone is like giving yourself a chance to create magnificent world of hope and dreams.
          Happiness is sharing, and sharing is life, and life is hope of a colourful journey of faith and affection. Affection starts from within, it’s inside your heart and it was acted through actions. Affection creates life and moulded faith, hope and happiness and contentment follows all the way. Monuments build, nations perish but affection remains a lifetime.
          Affections effects each individual life and soul to rediscover the world of human feelings and explore the deepest essence of faith, hope and affection. Such wonder if you will unleash of life through sharing and learning. Through faith the heart creates immeasurable vast of limitless horizon. An affection of truth and desire of flesh and create new life and nation to be given and given and given away. A wondrous experience for you and me and reveal the world’s greatest mystery.

Creative Writing Exam 1

January 28, 2012
Creative Writing Exam 1
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita
1.     Clock
2.    Light Bulb
3.    Book
4.    Flower picture frame
5.    Window

“The Light Bulb”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

I choose the light bulb because for me light bulb represents/symbolizes “God” God because he is the light of each individual’s life. He is the light that guides each soul’s to walk through the right path towards his everlasting kingdom. Light that makes everyone see the truth behind the curtain of darkness, making each day of our lives meaningful, fruitful and full of love and hope. Life is being accompanied by light alone through the midst thornfull box of sorrow and disappointments. Light shines each soul to lead through the path of winning and happiness.

          Light means life and life is God, through God we are created through him we are learning. God is everything, the light of salvation, the powerful mighty light that lighted each soul through their battle leading through each individual horizon of an ending castle and the kingdom of everlasting life. The kingdom of an ending lights, the glory and love of God that will never stop.

          It’s a thing but if you look around it is beauty and meaning and it will lead you through limitless answers. It’s God all around us. It’s him who never leaves us. He is and only him – yesterday, today, forever and eternity.

“Most Difficult Decision I’ve Done”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

          The most difficult decision I’ve made in my life was when I decided to run away from home. Giving up almost my entire life to decide was the most terrible day of my existence. I was blinded by despair and hatred, paving the way that caused me tears and painful memories. I’ve made it without thinking about what will be the consequences of my decisions but it’s not regretful for me though it’s painful and sad because out of it I learned a lot of things and made me a better person with stronger faith and a braver heart.

          The most difficult decision I’ve made is the most essential part of me being a human being because it guides me the way through the lighted path of Christ our creator and saviour. Difficulties are just challenges making us braver and wiser. Never try to think of quitting but instead keep going. That’s life and that’s love it’s part of learning.

“Silence Is a Great Hero”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

          Sometimes those things that are not meaningful to us are those things that are being neglected and forgotten. A simple, ugly thing that is being put into that silent corner and never even be disturbed and most of the time buried and discarded. For me silence is a killer, a priceless assassin that could kill man without knowing his presence. Silence is deadly a wider challenge of life, faith and destiny.

          Silence is stupid, nonsense point of everything for some people around us. Oh! How nut’s they are because that silence is the most vital element of life of an individual. It is the fight against survival and it is sometimes called survival of the fittest. Silence for me is those things being neglected because they are the most essential ingredient of life. It is the silence of faith through our ultimate creator and faith of its individual self. How scary right? But it’s the most neglected part of each human’s lives.
          Make silence your inspiration, make use of it and you will grow as a person with God us your protector.
“The Best Thing in Life Are Free”

          The best thing in life are free, yes it’s true because giving faith to God is free, giving love to someone is free as well. Its best is up to you, to give and to share. Being free as an individual is a gift from God, to think for your own happiness and to learn on your own.

          When you give life it’s free, when you experience life as well its free. Everything we have is free if we just know how to make use of it.  Learning, loving, believing, choosing and picking what you have chosen are all given to you as a wonderful privilege of being an intellectual individual of God.

          When we say best things are free then we also have worst things which are free as well because the best and the worst are choices. The choice of having the best or it could be the choice of experiencing the worst. You see, life is a choice, you make good and everything you gain are the best of everything. You choose worst and everything you have are bundles of regrets.

          How life is ironic isn’t it? God really test us to be wiser and brave. Now it is time for us to choose which way to go and which life we take. Be keen and alert because the best are sometimes beast that deceived human in the battle field. Put God in everything you do and God will do the rest.

"Gaining Independence"

January 21, 2012
“Gaining Independence”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

Independence is the most desirable aim to achieve by teenagers. In most common set up in a household setting, teenagers are having a hard time adjusting the equilibrium in their parent’s demands and wants. In some cases teenagers that are somehow afraid to speak what they have in mind would certainly cause them pressures and destructions. Parents and child relationship paves the hardest part of understanding in both aspects it is because of the factors affecting to them. These factors function as a basic tool for both parents and teenagers to act in a way that both parties would stand on their own understanding in the situation they are facing. Teenager strive their best to uplift and stand on what they think what’s right for them. They try to seek serious attention and a deeper understanding towards their actions and behaviours. In some cases suicides are the highest deaths occurs during in a teenage years. During this stage in an individual’s development teenagers tries to seek independence in many ways for they even try to do things which are undeniably bad to the views and insights of their parents, obviously because they seek total understanding.
It is somehow right on the part of the parents to correct those behaviours of their teenagers for them to be good in many ways. Factors that affect both sides are genuinely raptures the understanding of both parents and their teenagers. For instance, now a days higher degree of technologies are being adapted and these leads to big differences in both parties because young teenagers of these days are very much influence in many certain technologies and trends in the society and environment. It extravagantly changes the people’s outlook in life. More-over it is not just the physical aspects that certainly affect each parents but it is also affects the emotional wellbeing of an individual. There are many things that parents has to consider on bringing or controlling their teenagers that would somehow fill in the gap between them to ensure that openness and compatibility of sharing ones’ load might as well be spoken or share to their parents. Parents should be keen and sensitive to their teenagers, give them time to speak on what they think and feel so that deeper understanding on the situation might as well be open and resolve.
As teenagers seek for independence, parents also put up or apply “Kamay na Bakal” in disciplining their teenagers these will lead to a greater problem. Parents should be sensitive and equip in understanding their young ones, allowing them do the things they want for life is a colour wheel of understanding and boundless trail towards learning. People learn by doing and mistakes not if we take control of others life. When you try to stop them they would save countless “Wh” questions on why they are prohibited doing the things they wanted. In various ways’ many difficulties being lingered through their minds certainly leads to unending bitterness in their hearts. Learning in life is a trial and error, hurting and losing it is life’s inclusions of ingredients. Gaining independence is a situational choice of a course of action because in a household set up, we have different struggles and problems. Parents should be brave and set their minds in different aspects so that everything will be in track and of course don’t forget to put God as a center of everything.

"Out Line for Essay Writing"

Out Line for Essay Writing
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

Idea: Gaining independence is the most desirable aim to achieve by teenagers.
v  Gaining independence is the most desirable aim to achieve by teenagers.
v  Wanting and expressing matters to be discuss.
v  Being open and expressive to parents.

I.        Details:

A.   Gaining Independence is the most desirable aim to achieve by teenagers.
B.    Wanting and expressing matters and insights to be discuss to parents.
C.    Being transparent to parents on your aims and plans.

II.      Wanting and expressing matters to be discuss.

A.   Expressing yourself to your parents.
B.    Explaining things you want in life.
C.    Reacting and give yourself the right to know what you want in life.

III.    Being open and expressive to your parents.

A.   State your goals and targets about your plans in life.
B.    Explaining each step to choose what you want to pursue.
C.    Be determined and positive to stand on your own.

"My Christmas Wish"

December 17, 11
“My Christmas Wish”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

          I only got one wish, a wish my heart desired long time enough to hunt my soul. Every day of my life is Christmas, a Christmas whom I always have with in me. Dreaming of those magical thoughts and wishes longing for such wish is like waiting for a thousand of years of awakening.
          I got one heart, one soul aiming for a desire to have that wish to find my only unrevealed mysteries. My past and my wish, the only present I would love to put my unending love, desire and passion. On my pointless trip, towards the unspoken desire of my hurtful past my wishes are just motivational tool to pave or wave the journey of a victorious life and to fulfil my dreams and wishes.
          Longing of something I couldn’t put a name, wanting too much for that happiness, aching for a loathsome figure of shadow dreams. Living like a concrete abandoned building, quiet, alone in a place of solemnity foggy road of my journey wishing, seeking, and waiting of the unwanted visitor, to open and fill the essence of my tearful life alone, a visit that pays a priceless account of my so called frigid heart.
          Revealing the unrevealed mask of my unnamed visitor is like having trouble thinking how to open the gates of heavens. Electrified by such eagerness inside my heart and feeling the source of energy inside my heart. Twisting such direction heading for nothing, aiming to explore, discover, and reveal the mystery of the key of knowledge to open the box of my Pandora’s wish.
          Hoping of such wish, craziness strikes my soul hoping to see through behind Pandora’s door. I’m trying to regain such strength to re-open the box and wishing that when I open the door I see him smiling at me with sparkling eyes that is full of love and eagerness to hug me, kiss me and be with me for a lifetime.
          Wishes which my heart longed enough to be with and to have my first step again with him by my side, holding each other’s hand to tight enough to deal the circumstances of those scornful streets we’re going to tackle with. I might so and obscure to ponder such a bloody wish, but deep within me death is not yet the end but it’s the beginning of searching him in the other side of the world.
          I will capture him; if not here in the world of human then I’ll win him in the world of soul. There I could have him and swear to put everything to him, his heart ones more. Motivated by this extraordinary dreams but with love as an ending tool of extreme adventure, I will certainly reincarnate again and again in the same cycle to have and win him over and over again no matter what will the future bring, “AMOR VINCIT OMNIA”, “LOVE CONQUERS ALL”.

"Who Is Santa Clause?"

December 13, 2011
“Who is Santa Clause?”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

       Billions of people knew him since day one. Some them eager enough to know him, see him, and meet him as well. Questions sprouted from all over the mouth of each human’s brain. Children all over the globe searching him and would love to stay awake at night to wait for him but everyone falls asleep and woke up in the morning with total dismayed in their eyes but the answer remain hidden and undiscovered for quite sometimes but the sprout of maturity and reality reveal the hidden questions of who really is Santa Clause.
          For me Santa Clause really does exist. His everywhere in the world, he roams, he guides, he smiles, he laugh, and his part of the world’s magnificent structures of life and success. “God loves a cheerful giver”, those people who has a big and pure heart are realistic Santa Clause who lives on earth and gives help and service to others. Santa Clause is those people who devoted their entire life in providing help and gives security to those people who needs love security and help.
          Santa Clause as what I believed is part of each one of us. Santa Clause is the essential part of being a human being designed by God to give understanding, love, patience, kindness and truthfulness in others. Being helpful and wise in all aspects of life means “Gratefulness’ in Soul”. Santa Clause is within us the Brightside of each individual’s life. When we give and share what we have to others is a clearly sign of being a Santa Clause. Santa Clause is unperceivable, it’s a pledge of being open handed to everyone who needs our help and support. I’m not talking about the financial aspects but I am pertaining to the pureness of your heart when you give yourself to others.
          I might be too much when I told you this, but I swear my life to the fullest I am dreaming of becoming a human help advocate whom to be a great server to others. Helping people not a whole hut helping them a part of a whole. Part might too small to measure but don’t you know that small things results big? Serving people might as well serve God that's what I believed.
          I’m dreaming of helping people but first in order to become a Santa Clause is to help myself first before others; because when you are ready and prepare to do the big screen then success in helping others might be reachable to others.  Just like the saying goes: “Love yourself before others for you to be able to win big and to soar higher”.
          Helping others mean life to me, it feels good in helping. You may look and appreciate the world more colourful and wonderful. The spectrum of helping and giving is a wider access of thanking God for bringing you to help others. Santa Clause is you and me, that’s what makes Santa a legacy not just a history.

"My Dreams"

December 02, 2011
“My Dreams”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

          The spectrum of dreams unites in the horizon of life. Dreaming on the midst of a mystical sight provides the spirits unending twine. Each soul mourns to have that dreams, which build and create the earthen castle. In life’ unpredictable events we tried our best to win each battle, to win what we want and to gain what we aim.
          Dreams are sometimes tricky and confusing stroking ways in different direction, letting someone wandering through the forest of confusion. But if you know you way through your goal you’ll find the pot of gold. The dreams of adventure venture each human’s ability to pursue their goals and ambition. Having the heart of unity may sacrifice a lot, yearning to be on top of the so called the moue to walk towards that mountain of dreams. Feel free to walk towards that mountain and secure each step to reach the ultimate castle of boundless dreams.
          Learning by doing, walking with determination, faith and trust are the tools of reaching the spectrum of dreams. When you have the arsenal barracks of strength and the medley tone of embrace leads through your determination and are like a star that shines brightly up above the sky. My dreams are simple like the white sand at the beach, when you look at it’s just nothing but it adds beauty in the environment. Dreams, dreams the reason why people achieve. When you walk through that mile away from home you’re having your journey alone. Millions, billions or countless footsteps you’ll make it through the day and night to pursue that direction through countless bright. No one could hold you nor stop you in a while because of that dream everything is worthwhile. Aim high, and win each battle life is a cycle of winning, losing and trying. Don’t stop and keep going because what you believe is right for you, then you’ll have everything in a thumb of a king.
          Just like what an author say to those heart come what may: “failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough”. Look back and learned to what you had experienced, be a fighter not a loser. Everything falls when you give up but everything will be natural if you know how to balance. Be a challenger not a quitter. A quitter will never be lighted in the spectrum of their dreams because what leads to them is nothing but a foggy trail.
          Dream what you dream, put love in each steps and acknowledge challenge. Fight back and learn so that you’ll be stronger. Be humble and kind for nothing could ever pay a prize. Learn by doing, and grow in acting. Be SMART, “S” stands for Strength, “M” stands for Mastery, “A” stands for Action, “R” stands for Resistance, “T” stands for Truth. Strength you will never win in the battle field without the spirit of winning. Mastery of what you are doing leads you the way to survive. Action you’ll never survive if you will never take the action to strike. Resistance you’ll need that to sustain your strength, mastery and abilities to put everything in perspective. Truth and honest labour will never cause you to be defeated but instead it will track you through the field of your dreams. I am the captain of my soul. My journey is to travel the world and witness the beauty of life, with here by my side embracing me so tight my so called one great love.