Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

"Gaining Independence"

January 21, 2012
“Gaining Independence”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

Independence is the most desirable aim to achieve by teenagers. In most common set up in a household setting, teenagers are having a hard time adjusting the equilibrium in their parent’s demands and wants. In some cases teenagers that are somehow afraid to speak what they have in mind would certainly cause them pressures and destructions. Parents and child relationship paves the hardest part of understanding in both aspects it is because of the factors affecting to them. These factors function as a basic tool for both parents and teenagers to act in a way that both parties would stand on their own understanding in the situation they are facing. Teenager strive their best to uplift and stand on what they think what’s right for them. They try to seek serious attention and a deeper understanding towards their actions and behaviours. In some cases suicides are the highest deaths occurs during in a teenage years. During this stage in an individual’s development teenagers tries to seek independence in many ways for they even try to do things which are undeniably bad to the views and insights of their parents, obviously because they seek total understanding.
It is somehow right on the part of the parents to correct those behaviours of their teenagers for them to be good in many ways. Factors that affect both sides are genuinely raptures the understanding of both parents and their teenagers. For instance, now a days higher degree of technologies are being adapted and these leads to big differences in both parties because young teenagers of these days are very much influence in many certain technologies and trends in the society and environment. It extravagantly changes the people’s outlook in life. More-over it is not just the physical aspects that certainly affect each parents but it is also affects the emotional wellbeing of an individual. There are many things that parents has to consider on bringing or controlling their teenagers that would somehow fill in the gap between them to ensure that openness and compatibility of sharing ones’ load might as well be spoken or share to their parents. Parents should be keen and sensitive to their teenagers, give them time to speak on what they think and feel so that deeper understanding on the situation might as well be open and resolve.
As teenagers seek for independence, parents also put up or apply “Kamay na Bakal” in disciplining their teenagers these will lead to a greater problem. Parents should be sensitive and equip in understanding their young ones, allowing them do the things they want for life is a colour wheel of understanding and boundless trail towards learning. People learn by doing and mistakes not if we take control of others life. When you try to stop them they would save countless “Wh” questions on why they are prohibited doing the things they wanted. In various ways’ many difficulties being lingered through their minds certainly leads to unending bitterness in their hearts. Learning in life is a trial and error, hurting and losing it is life’s inclusions of ingredients. Gaining independence is a situational choice of a course of action because in a household set up, we have different struggles and problems. Parents should be brave and set their minds in different aspects so that everything will be in track and of course don’t forget to put God as a center of everything.

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