Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

“The World’s Greatest Mystery”

February 11, 2012
“The World’s Greatest Mystery”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita
          Isn’t life wonderful? To define such people who are capable to give their souls to someone who is special to them. As we open our eyes to see the world of heart’s February is the month of giving happiness to others and allowing yourself to be with someone who gives you happiness and contentment. Each day we play the rule of what we think is best for us, we tried hard enough to express our thoughts and to fight what we think is right. Sharing of who you are to someone is like giving yourself a chance to create magnificent world of hope and dreams.
          Happiness is sharing, and sharing is life, and life is hope of a colourful journey of faith and affection. Affection starts from within, it’s inside your heart and it was acted through actions. Affection creates life and moulded faith, hope and happiness and contentment follows all the way. Monuments build, nations perish but affection remains a lifetime.
          Affections effects each individual life and soul to rediscover the world of human feelings and explore the deepest essence of faith, hope and affection. Such wonder if you will unleash of life through sharing and learning. Through faith the heart creates immeasurable vast of limitless horizon. An affection of truth and desire of flesh and create new life and nation to be given and given and given away. A wondrous experience for you and me and reveal the world’s greatest mystery.

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