Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

"Who I Am"

November 22, 2011
“Who Am I?”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

          Life is an arsenal package of discovering and learning. As a daughter, a lot of instances if I may say could bring painful thorns of memories. Tons of salty tears flowing on my cheeks give me the essence of realizing things in my life. Youth flourish my soul like a rose that contains beauty and passion. At my young age way back then I learned to love and be loved to someone who is not big enough to offer me life and splendid treasure.
          At sixteen, I got one life to produce. People around me screamed how stupid I was to commit such a mistake but I did stand and face the challenged. Like a storm I was nearly defeated but thanks to God he had saved me. What had happened to me is a gift, a gift that immeasurable because of love I am fighting.
          People around you might as well have destroyed you. You couldn’t fight against them because you’ve got nothing to fight for you’re just a daughter; you’re just a no body. They won, they broke my life, they don’t care what I felt, and they don’t know what I’ve been through.
          Now, the owner of my heart was committed to someone else. I was trying to win his heart again but time changed the man I love the most into someone I don’t perceived.
          Each day of my life, I’m living in a world of defiance and hatred in my heart. I’ve got no one to hold but with my precious one alone. I’ve got no one to talk because it’s my heart who says no. I don’t have friends; my world is like a living world of zombie.
          Whatever way I’m leading ahead of me, I just hope I’ll find peace. Hope to see the world smile again and appreciate life once more.

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