Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

"My Dreams"

December 02, 2011
“My Dreams”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

          The spectrum of dreams unites in the horizon of life. Dreaming on the midst of a mystical sight provides the spirits unending twine. Each soul mourns to have that dreams, which build and create the earthen castle. In life’ unpredictable events we tried our best to win each battle, to win what we want and to gain what we aim.
          Dreams are sometimes tricky and confusing stroking ways in different direction, letting someone wandering through the forest of confusion. But if you know you way through your goal you’ll find the pot of gold. The dreams of adventure venture each human’s ability to pursue their goals and ambition. Having the heart of unity may sacrifice a lot, yearning to be on top of the so called the moue to walk towards that mountain of dreams. Feel free to walk towards that mountain and secure each step to reach the ultimate castle of boundless dreams.
          Learning by doing, walking with determination, faith and trust are the tools of reaching the spectrum of dreams. When you have the arsenal barracks of strength and the medley tone of embrace leads through your determination and are like a star that shines brightly up above the sky. My dreams are simple like the white sand at the beach, when you look at it’s just nothing but it adds beauty in the environment. Dreams, dreams the reason why people achieve. When you walk through that mile away from home you’re having your journey alone. Millions, billions or countless footsteps you’ll make it through the day and night to pursue that direction through countless bright. No one could hold you nor stop you in a while because of that dream everything is worthwhile. Aim high, and win each battle life is a cycle of winning, losing and trying. Don’t stop and keep going because what you believe is right for you, then you’ll have everything in a thumb of a king.
          Just like what an author say to those heart come what may: “failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough”. Look back and learned to what you had experienced, be a fighter not a loser. Everything falls when you give up but everything will be natural if you know how to balance. Be a challenger not a quitter. A quitter will never be lighted in the spectrum of their dreams because what leads to them is nothing but a foggy trail.
          Dream what you dream, put love in each steps and acknowledge challenge. Fight back and learn so that you’ll be stronger. Be humble and kind for nothing could ever pay a prize. Learn by doing, and grow in acting. Be SMART, “S” stands for Strength, “M” stands for Mastery, “A” stands for Action, “R” stands for Resistance, “T” stands for Truth. Strength you will never win in the battle field without the spirit of winning. Mastery of what you are doing leads you the way to survive. Action you’ll never survive if you will never take the action to strike. Resistance you’ll need that to sustain your strength, mastery and abilities to put everything in perspective. Truth and honest labour will never cause you to be defeated but instead it will track you through the field of your dreams. I am the captain of my soul. My journey is to travel the world and witness the beauty of life, with here by my side embracing me so tight my so called one great love.

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