Sabado, Marso 10, 2012

"Who Is Santa Clause?"

December 13, 2011
“Who is Santa Clause?”
By: Lady Mardelou D. Orbita

       Billions of people knew him since day one. Some them eager enough to know him, see him, and meet him as well. Questions sprouted from all over the mouth of each human’s brain. Children all over the globe searching him and would love to stay awake at night to wait for him but everyone falls asleep and woke up in the morning with total dismayed in their eyes but the answer remain hidden and undiscovered for quite sometimes but the sprout of maturity and reality reveal the hidden questions of who really is Santa Clause.
          For me Santa Clause really does exist. His everywhere in the world, he roams, he guides, he smiles, he laugh, and his part of the world’s magnificent structures of life and success. “God loves a cheerful giver”, those people who has a big and pure heart are realistic Santa Clause who lives on earth and gives help and service to others. Santa Clause is those people who devoted their entire life in providing help and gives security to those people who needs love security and help.
          Santa Clause as what I believed is part of each one of us. Santa Clause is the essential part of being a human being designed by God to give understanding, love, patience, kindness and truthfulness in others. Being helpful and wise in all aspects of life means “Gratefulness’ in Soul”. Santa Clause is within us the Brightside of each individual’s life. When we give and share what we have to others is a clearly sign of being a Santa Clause. Santa Clause is unperceivable, it’s a pledge of being open handed to everyone who needs our help and support. I’m not talking about the financial aspects but I am pertaining to the pureness of your heart when you give yourself to others.
          I might be too much when I told you this, but I swear my life to the fullest I am dreaming of becoming a human help advocate whom to be a great server to others. Helping people not a whole hut helping them a part of a whole. Part might too small to measure but don’t you know that small things results big? Serving people might as well serve God that's what I believed.
          I’m dreaming of helping people but first in order to become a Santa Clause is to help myself first before others; because when you are ready and prepare to do the big screen then success in helping others might be reachable to others.  Just like the saying goes: “Love yourself before others for you to be able to win big and to soar higher”.
          Helping others mean life to me, it feels good in helping. You may look and appreciate the world more colourful and wonderful. The spectrum of helping and giving is a wider access of thanking God for bringing you to help others. Santa Clause is you and me, that’s what makes Santa a legacy not just a history.

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